Serving the youth of the Antelope Valley

Parent Code of Conduct

  1. The Board of Directors of Lancaster Pony Baseball has adopted the following Code of Conduct for parents and spectators of players participating in Lancaster Pony Baseball league games, events, and activities.

    The Lancaster Pony Board of Directors is committed to ensuring the best possible experience for the members of our league. The Lancaster Pony Baseball program is designed to provide an experience that is positive, safe, developmental, and fun for the players.

    Parents and spectators, shall, by their actions and conduct, set an example for the players. The Board of Directors of Lancaster Pony Baseball will take a ZERO TOLERANCE stance in the event of a violation of the Parents/ Spectator Code of Conduct.

    Parents and spectators shall adhere to the following code of conduct:

    1. Parents/Spectators will conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner while participating in any league game, practice, event or activity.

    2. Parents/ Spectators will cooperate with the league officials, follow all league rules and policies while at league-related events and activities, and will treat all players, managers, coaches,umpires, league officials and other parents and spectators with respect.

    3. Parents will be supportive of, and participate in, league activities, games, tournaments, and fundraising events. 

    4. Parent and spectators will cooperate with team managers, coaches, and team parents and be supportive of their decisions regarding playing time, position, and placement as well as follow all team rules set forth by the managers.

    5. Parents will ensure that their child arrives at games and practices properly dressed and equiped, and ready to play, at the time specified by the team manager. Parents will further ensure their child is picked up promptly at the time specified by the team manager. Parents will provide in writing to manager approval for their child to leave practices on their own or with another adult to take them home. Parents will call manager/coach or team parent as soon as possible if their child is unable to attend a practice, game, or other team function.

    6. Parents will encourage their child to do their bast at all times, provide positive support, and practice good sportsmanship. All parents and spectators are asked to support their team and are encouraged to cheer for players. Jeering, chanting or excessive noisemaking in an effort to distract players is prohibited.

    7. Parents and spectators will assist in keeping all fields utilized by Lancaster Pony Baseball clean by picking up and disposing of all litter around their team’s dugout and stands after each practice and game.

    8. Parents an spectators will be responsible for the activities and conduct of their children( players and non-players) while at Lancaster Pony Baseball practices, games, activities, and functions.

    9. Parents will read, understand and become familiar with the rules, regulations and policies for the current season. Lancaster Pony Baseball rules are available on our website

    10. Parents and spectators shall not use profanity at any time during a game or practice, or within the presence of any league player on any team.

    11. Parents and spectators shall not verbally abuse, threaten, or engage in physical contact with any player, manager, coach, umpire, league official, parent, or other individual under any circumstances.

    12. Parents and spectators shall not use any tobacco or nicotine products or devices on the field or in the stands during any practice or game.

    13. Parents and spectators shall not consume or be under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicant at any time while attending a Lancaster Pony Baseball practice, game, activity, or event.

    14. Parents and spectators shall not conduct themselves in any manner detrimental to Lancaster Pony Baseball or to PONY Baseball, Inc.

    Violation of this Parents/Spectators Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action against the violator, which may include any of the following:

    1. Ejection: The violator may be ejected from the game by either an umpire that is officiating the game or by a Lancaster Pony Baseball Board Member. A violator may be ejected from a Lancaster Pony Baseball practice, game, activity, or event by a Lancaster Pony Baseball Board Member. A person that has been ejected a practice, game, event, or activity must leave immediately without further incident, or be subject to further disciplinary action by the Lancaster Pony Board or removed by the police. Any person ejected will be automatically suspended from participating in their team’s next scheduled game, regardless of where  the next scheduled game is played.The Lancaster Pony Baseball Board will determine if further disciplinary action is warranted.

    2. Probation: The violator will be advised in writing of the offense and the period of probation during which it is expected that no further violations will occur.

    3. Suspension: The violator will be advised in writing of the offense and the period of suspension during which the violator is prohibited from participating in any Lancaster Pony Baseball games, activities, or events.

    4. Dismissal: The violator will be advised in writing of the offense and informed that he/she is being dismissed from Lancaster Pony Baseball for the remainder of the season or other designated period of time.

    5. Barred: The violator will be advised in writing of the offense and informed the he/she has been barred from present and future participation in the Lancaster Pony Baseball League permanently, or for a specified number of years.

    **The Lancaster Pony Baseball Board of Directors will appoint a Disciplinary Review Panel and they shall review all issues concerning violations of the Parents/Spectators Code of Conduct. Their decision shall be final, unless appealed by the violator to the full Lancaster Pony Baseball Board. The full Lancaster Pony Baseball Board shall have discretion to determine whether or not to hear a violator’s appeal. If the Board decides not to hear the appeal, then the 3-person review panel’s  decision shall be deemed the final decision of the Board. If the Board decides to hear the appeal, then the majority vote of the Board regarding the appeal shall be the final decision of the Board.

Contact Us

Lancaster Youth PONY Baseball League

43434 Vineyard Street 
Lancaster, California 93535

Email Us: [email protected]
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